Приведены несколько фраз и стихотворений на разных языках. Что у них общего? Какую информацию можно из них извлечь? Переводы приводить не нужно! Они никак не связаны с вопросом!
Английский язык:
May I have a large container of coffee?
May I have a large container of coffee ready for today?
See, I have a rhyme assisting my feeble brain, its tasks oft-times resisting.
How I like a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics!
Now I, even I, would celebrate
In rhymes unapt, the great
Immortal Syracusan, rivaled nevermore,
Who in his wondrous lore,
Passed on before,
Left men his guidance
How to circles mensurate.
Now I will a rhyme construct
By chosen words the young instruct.
Cunningly devised endeavor,
Con it and remember ever.
Widths of circle here you see.
Sketched out in strange obscurity.
Немецкий язык:
Wie? O! Dies ? macht ernstlich so vielen viele M?h!
Lernt immerhin, J?nglinge, leichte Verselein,
Wie so zum Beispiel dies d?rfte zu merken sein!
Французский язык:
Que j'aime ? faire apprendre ce nombre utile aux sages!
Immortel Archim?de, artiste ingenieur,
Qui de ton jugement peut priser la valeur?
Pour moi, ton problem? eut de pareils avantages.
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