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Помогите пожалуйста написать монолог. можно и на русском и на английском без разницы. все требования на фото.
Extreme sports have both advantages and disadvantages. The possible benefits of extreme sports are the following:
To tell the truth, all extreme kinds of sports require great skills.
You shouldn't forget about possible dangers of extreme sports. For example, you can break your leg or arm. You can injure any part of your body and even injure your head and get concussion while going in for extreme sports. Falling from great height is also one of possible dangers of extreme sports.
А дальше, используя слова и выражения из Expressing preferences, вам нужно написать заключение о том, какими видами экстремального спорта вы занимаетесь (или не занимаетесь).
So many people nowadays prefer extreme sports. It becomes popular not only between youngsters but between businesmen and managers. I assume the main reason is the sense of freedome that exteme sport gives together with adrenaline rush. It is chalenging and unusual - and this is what people look for to get rid of their everyday routine. Also it's a great form of exercise and it helps you get fit. Though extreme sports are quite dangerous, it requires special skills and if you are not accurate you can get serious injures like break arm, leg or shoulder or get in a crash, or fall from great hight.
but despite all the dangers many people are searching for some way to have fun and do something extraordinary. As for me, I'd prefer to ski down the dangerous slope rather than sit at home and watch TV because none of TV shows can give me this feeling of freedom and happiness
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