Ну... понимаю, что давать ответы на английском на БВ это нарушение, и все же попробую проявить свои знания языка Шекспира. Я не буду делать дословный перевод, а просто изложу суть на английском языке для вашего американца.
So, you may whether believe or not in content of this video, but it mainly says:
"Nowadays, there is strong likelihood, that our youngsters are under affection of the internet. They are being taught to judge people by nationality and there are growing popularity of "west values"
Well, all that happens in former Soviet Union isn't random happens but plan of destruction of our republics, such as "Hardvard's plan". The main ambitions of this plan are making socialism non-exist and dividing Russia into small countries. It will helps to new world's order.
One thing that came true is making Ukraine against Russia. UA will think that it struggle for it's indepence. After it, both countries will distruct each other. Russian bogans will work like a slaves. High-stangart specialists will have to escape theis country...
As it's said before, it may be false or fake, it's your decision whether believe it or not"
Можно скопировать и объяснить только то, что выделено жирным, всё можно не копировать, уж больно много циничного материала в этом видео.
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